by Joy C. Springer
February 15, 2025
As the Arkansas House of Representatives enters the 5th week of the 2025 Regular Session, several key pieces of legislation have moved forward, addressing issues ranging from maternal health, food insecurity, and education.
One measure that received should receive applause from everyone was the House’s overwhelming approval of Senate Bill 59 (SB59. Senate Bill 59 is an act to provide each public-school student in the state of Arkansas with breakfast at no cost! This bill ensures that every student in Arkansas public schools shall be entitled to one free breakfast per school day, regardless of their eligibility for federally funded meals. This initiative is being funded by tax revenue from medical marijuana sales. Who much money are we talking about?
The total cost including federal funding will be $14.7 million dollars. Did you know that through 2024, the state of Arkansas has collected over 31 million dollars in tax revenue for medical marijuana sales. I am not promoting marijuana sales, however, as I have communicated in the past, our students need nutrition to be productive learners in our public schools. The data show that Arkansas ranks as the hungriest state in the nation based upon 2023 statistics indicating that 18.9% of the state’s households experience food insecurity. Wow! Two strikes that are prevalent in our state: 1) our children are hungry and 2) the probability that will likely will die while being born leads the nation!
Another interesting factor impacting the education of our children that has recently come to light is their use of cell phones during the school day. There appears to be mixed emotions about whether students’ continuous use of cell phones during the school day has impacted their ability to learn.
Another Senate bill passed this week to address this pending concern/ problem. SB142: Bell to Bell, No Cell Act cleared the House of Representatives this week. SB142 mandates public and charter schools shall do the following:
By the 2025-2026 school year, each public school district shall establish a written student discipline policy and exemptions
concerning the possession and use by a student of a personal electronic device during the school day.
There are exceptions, including emergency situations, and schools will be required to create policies in compliance with the guidelines set by the bill. These include allowing for the use of phones for special events, medical reasons, or for students accessing college coursework through two-factor authentication.
Finally, HB1427: Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies Act represents a major step forward in supporting maternal health in Arkansas. The bill, which is a $45.3 million investment, expands access to healthcare for pregnant women. It establishes presumptive Medicaid eligibility for expectant mothers, creates reimbursement pathways for doulas and community health workers, and broadens Medicaid coverage. Members of the Democratic Caucus wholeheartedly support this legislation as much of it was a part of legislation that had already been filed by Caucus leadership.
In the week ahead, the House expects to address legislation regarding whether the state government can regulate private organizations regarding the production of certain data among other things…. You can watch all House committee meetings and House floor proceedings at
The Educational Emergency continues….
State Representative Joy C. Springer represents District 76 in the Arkansas House of Representatives. Representative Springer previously served on the Little Rock School Board and is a long-time civil rights activist and supporter of equity in public education. She currently serves on the House Judiciary Committee and House Aging, Children and Youth, Legislative and Military Affairs committees. Additionally, she serves on the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) and the JBC Employee Benefits Division Oversight committee and as a 1st Alternate on the Legislative Joint Auditing committee.
By Rev. Dr. C.E. McAdoo
February 15, 2025
The following information was taken from a 2019 Black History Study Guide. This Guide’s content has been used all over the state of Arkansas in reference to Black History. Let me lift up for you that the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame has honored many of the individuals I will mention. Basically, what I want to do with this article is to just lift these personalities up; read a little bit about them and go on the internet and look up who they are and what they did and how they have added value. I’m going to ask you to share this with your family, because I think one of the ways we miss out is, we don’t share some of the people that have covered Arkansas and have done a great deal of work.
I have another disclaimer at the end of the article. However, I want to show the front end first and there’s no way in the world that I think I’m getting all the wonderful and outstanding Black personalities in Black History in the state of Arkansas. I’m using someone else’s information, but I want you to know that if someone’s name is not on this list, it’s because there was no bad list, and in working with my Virtual Assistant I did not want myself to start adding names. I want to make it as convenient for her as I can and also for myself. So, let me begin the list:
· Al Green– Soul music legend, best known for hits like "Let's Stay Together" and a smooth, soulful voice.
Cortez Kennedy – Born in Osceola and spent the first 18 years in the small town of Wilson. A Standout NFL player. The Six-time Pro Bowler was also inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame 2012.
Dr. Samuel L. Kountz, Jr. - Was an African-American kidney transplantation surgeon from Lexa, Arkansas. He was most distinguished for his pioneering work in the field of kidney transplants, and in research, discoveries, and inventions in Renal Science, in 1961, while working at the Stanford University Medical Center.
Let me say with all sincerity, as I said in the beginning, I know I have not listed all the great personalities in our state. I further ask you to help me help the people who do the study guide and to add any names that we may have missed today. In closing, I ask, as I did earlier, that you share this with your family members, with organization and community members and other persons who may be interested in some of the personalities who have been Black in the state of Arkansas and in the things that they have done in so many different areas. In these presentation events there is always room to explain, but you are now the person who can marshal and make an outstanding accomplishment for yourself and the state of Arkansas and around the world. With God all things are possible!
I Am
Charlie Edward McAdoo
Dr. McAdoo is a retired district superintendent in the United Methodist Church
by Wendell Griffen
February 8, 2025
Donald Trump has been back in office as President of the United States for less than one month.
In less than a month, thousands of people have been swept from U.S. communities and deposited elsewhere in the world on Trump’s order – reminiscent of Hitler’s Gestapo. Despite the 14th Amendment guarantee that every person has the right to due process of law and equal protection under the law, on Trump’s order, Immigration and Custom Enforcement agents, who swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, are snatching men, women, and children from U.S. communities, holding them, and hauling them somewhere else, based on bigotry against immigrants from Africa, Central and South America, the Caribbean, and nations with large Muslim populations.
The forcibly removed people were not given court hearings, allowed access to legal counsel, and ordered deported by judges. Their family members do not know where they are, how to contact them, and how to reestablish contact with them.
Trump has eliminated federal diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts, placed federal DEI personnel on paid administrative status, and ordered federal employees to snitch on anyone suspected of not complying with his order. The Constitution has a 1st Amendment (since 1791) which guarantees freedom of expression. Trump’s anti-DEI order defies that guarantee.
Trump threatened a hostile takeover of Greenland, a U.S. ally and member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Trump has expressed interest in making the population of 57,000 people a U.S. state over the objection of Denmark.
Mind you, Greenland’s population is much smaller than the populations of Vermont and Wyoming (627,000 and 524,000 respectively), and smaller than the populations in Washington, D.C. (659,000), Puerto Rico (3.5 million), Guam (159,000), and the U.S. Virgin Islands (106,000). However, Greenland’s predominantly white population lives in the Arctic region of the North Atlantic where glacial melting due to climate change has capitalists drooling about the prospects for new shipping alternatives to the Suez Canal and Panama Canal, and hoping to mine precious minerals such as cobalt, copper, lithium, and nickel.
Along with threatening to takeover Greenland, Trump imposed draconian tariffs on goods and products from Canada and Mexico. Earlier this week during an interview with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Trump announced that he wants to re-develop Gaza into an ocean-side resort and depopulate its Palestinian inhabitants.
Trump issued blanket pardons for the insurrectionists who violently attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, caused injuries to Capitol police officers, threatened the lives of members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, and boasted that they wanted to kill then U.S. Vice President Mike Pence.
Trump wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico the “Gulf of America.” He wants to reclaim the Panama Canal from Panama, and falsely claims that China owns or runs the Panama Canal.
Trump has ordered all U.S. passports to use male or female sex designations based on the sex assigned passport holders at birth. That order blatantly violates the rights of transgender persons.
In my September 15, 2023 blogpost Things Are Not As Bad As They Seem, I drew on Harper Lee’s classic novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, and argued that we must admit that things are worse than they seem ( Unfortunately (and perhaps tragically), that admonition was ignored.
Thanks to the July 1, 2024, U.S. Supreme Court decision in Donald Trump v. United States in which six Justices of the Supreme Court created an extra-constitutional doctrine of absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for official conduct by anyone serving as President, the November 2024 presidential election, and right-wing Republican party majorities in the U.S. Congress, Donald Trump is now an authoritarian leader of a fascist regime in charge of the U.S. government.
One should not make that observation lightly, and I don’t do so. However, we should not ignore realities merely because they are unpleasant. As I mentioned in another blogpost, the United States ignored appeals from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to undergo what he called a “radical revolution of values” to the point that we are now well into what amounts to a death vigil for U.S. democracy ( Ignoring reality does not make a terminal illness benign, let alone prevent it from spreading to the point that it kills a patient.
The hyper-partisanship that followed racial gerrymandering of state and federal legislative districts in the wake of the 2010 and 2020 U.S. census tallies, misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and fear-based bigotry against immigrants (xenophobia), defined the 2024 presidential election and proves that the United States is a bitterly-divided fascist society. This is an unpleasant truth to write. It is an unpleasant truth to read. That unpleasantness does not make the truth less real.
I am a student of politics, honorably discharged U.S. Army veteran, a retired state court judge, and an ordained pastor in the religion of Jesus. It is not part of my character to hide from painful realities. I recognize the death signs of U.S. democracy, and lament what they mean for our society and the rest of the world.
That sense of political and prophetic discernment leads me to detail how we arrived at this dismal situation. The refusal of right-wing U.S. Senators (led by former Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky) to convict Donald Trump after he was impeached twice during his first term as President allowed Trump to run for office in 2024.
The decision by Chief Justice John Roberts, Associate Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barratt in Trump v. United States gave Trump and every future president the power to be despots.
Chief Justice Roberts led the Supreme Court to gut voting rights protected by the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in the Supreme Court’s 2013 decision in Shelby County v. Holder.
The Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission gutted campaign spending limits in federal elections and set the stage for what has become a political campaign spending arms race.
Remember that after the November 22, 2000, “Brooks Brothers riot” by Republican staffers interrupted vote counting by election officials in Miami-Dade County, Florida, the United States Supreme Court decision in Bush v. Gore upheld the decision of Florida officials to suspend vote counting altogether. That decision resulted in George W. Bush becoming the winner of the 2000 presidential election because tens of thousands of ballots from predominantly Democratic Dade County were not counted. In 2004, Bush nominated Roberts to become Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Roberts has held that position since 2005.
After the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks killed people in New York, Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon – following bungled handling of available intelligence by U.S. national security and intelligence agencies – Bush and his Vice President, Richard “Dick” Cheney, led the U.S. into what Bush termed a “preemptive global war on terror” that resulted in the military misadventure known as the war in Iraq, followed by invasion of Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden was finally found and killed in Pakistan in 2011, ten years after US forces defeated the Taliban regime that ruled Afghanistan at the end of 2001.
For the next twenty years, Taliban fighters waged guerilla warfare in Afghanistan that matched wits and tactics against a US led multi-national military force that was better equipped, had more personnel, and was better financed. A combination of bloodlust, Western hubris, white supremacy and racism, neoconservative Christian nationalist imperialism, and capitalist greed resulted in the longest war in US history. We may never know the true financial cost of that military misadventure that bedeviled the presidencies of George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden.
What is clear is that during that twenty-year misadventure, religious and other thought leaders in the United States did not challenge public thinking about the war in Afghanistan the way that Clergy and Laity Concerned about Vietnam challenged thinking when King called on the nation to undergo a radical revolution of values away from racism, materialism, and militarism.
This is the recent history responsible for our current predicament. Instead of a government based on a representative democracy of voters, the 2024 presidential election outcome resulted in the U.S. government now being run by a vicious sociopath (Donald Trump), and a predominantly white male oligarchy of white supremacist, racist, misogynist, and militaristic billionaires. That sociopathic oligarchy is cheered and sacralized by white supremacists who profanely pimp the religion of Jesus, disregard the love and justice imperatives that Jesus taught, and are hateful faith foot soldiers for their fascist regime.
Instead of free and independent media outlets that function as checks on political corruption, authoritarianism, and oppression, so-called legacy media outlets such as the New York Times and Washington Post function alongside cable “news” operations such as CNN, Fox, and MSNBC to foster what Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky accurately term “manufactured consent” for capitalism, imperialism, white supremacy, and their side effects in their 1988 book, Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media.[1] Henry Giroux accurately calls the result “manufactured ignorance.”[2]
And instead of exercising moral and ethical discernment and warnings about racism, capitalism, and militarism – which Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. termed “giant triplets” – religious leaders dismissed obvious dangers posed by sexism, classism, imperialism, techno-centrism, and xenophobia.
The “giant triplets” that King warned about on April 4, 1967, when he called on the nation to undergo “a radical revolution of values,” are octuplets now.
We must rebuild democracy in the United States.
I urge you to read On Tyranny, Timothy Snyder’s 126 page pocket-sized book that he subtitled “Twenty Lessons From The Twentieth Century.”[3] Snyder is a history professor at Yale University. His little book is a valuable primer on how to confront tyranny and rebuild democracy.
I use the term “rebuild democracy” deliberately. Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. concluded his foreword to Parables, Politics, and Prophetic Faith, the book South African theologian Allan Boesak and I co-authored in 2023, with a parable that Dr. Charles H. Long, a professor of the History of Religions shared with students at the University of Chicago Divinity School. In that parable, Long imagined that someone baked a cake but forgot to include sugar with the ingredients. Jeremiah Wright likened the Constitution of the United States to the resultant “concoction.” He described the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Nineteenth Amendments as tantamount to pouring sugar atop the “concoction” and calling it “cake.”
After the Supreme Court overturned the 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade that recognized the freedom of women to exercise choice over their reproductive health, Jeremiah Wright Jr. questions if the rights enshrined by the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Nineteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution are safe, and wonders if they might be discarded the same way. He contends that Americans must construct “a whole new constitution, this time including the sugar that was omitted in the first concoction.”[4]
I also encourage you to read Democracy Matters: Winning The Fight Against Imperialism, by Cornel West.[5] West foresaw the vicious consequences we face today caused by neoliberal free market capitalism, Constantinian Christian and Jewish fundamentalism, and political and sentimental nihilism pervading U.S. news outlets and the entertainment industry.
Martin Luther King Jr., Cornel West, Jeremiah Wright Jr., and Timothy Snyder foresaw our current plight. Americans ignored what they said and wrote. White voters in so-called “red states” patronized corporate media outlets that contributed to voter misinformation and manufactured consent with partisan politics. Those voters elected Trump, whose 2024 campaign was financed by Elon Musk and other right-wing capitalist mega-donors, because their political knowledge and values were poisoned by Project 2025 and right-wing religious fundamentalist propaganda.
Rebuilding democracy will require that U.S. voters “unlearn” white supremacist, patriarchist, racist, sexist, and neoliberal capitalist theology, reject the myth of American exceptionalism, and embrace King’s call for a radical revolution of values. Rebuilding democracy will be difficult, but the difficulties ahead of us are less than those experienced by Indigenous people, enslaved Africans, politically disenfranchised women, unwealthy white men, immigrants, workers, and LGBTQ persons across U.S. history.
The difficult but attainable work of rebuilding democracy begins by admitting that U.S. society is not teetering on the brink of fascism. Donald Trump’s MAGA/Project 2025 presidency proves that we are well past the tipping point. Once we accept that reality, we can take on the important work of dismantling the policies and politics and dismissing the politicians associated with Trump’s MAGA/Project 2025 fascism. Then we must lay a reinforced foundation based on an education system that respects critical thinking, inclusion, and justice.
Re-building democracy will be hard work. It will not be easy to engage people who are addicted to entertainment and hostile to education. But we must either take on the hard fight to rebuild democracy or we will sink deeper into a fascist state.
In the words of entertainer Arsenio Hall, “Let’s get busy.”
[1] Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky, The Political Economy of the Mass Media, (Pantheon: New York, 1988).
[2] Henry Giroux, Pedagogy of Resistance - Against Manufactured Ignorance, (Bloomsbury Academic: New York, 2022).
[3] Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons From The Twentieth Century, (Tim Duggan Books, New York, NY, 2017).
[4] Allan Aubrey Boesak and Wendell L. Griffen, Parables, Politics, and Prophetic Faith: Hope and Perseverance in Times of Peril, (Nurturing Faith, Macon, GA, 2023), 7.
[5] Cornel West, Democracy Matters: Winning The Fight Against Imperialism, (Penguin Press, New York, 2004).
Pastor, New Millennium Church, Little Rock, Arkansas
CEO, Griffen Strategic Consulting, PLLC
Co-Chair, Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference
Hope fiercely. Love boldly.
Love one another. Jesus of Galilee, Palestine
We will find a way or make one. Hannibal of Carthage
Writing is how I fight. James H. Cone.
The time for pious words is over. Allan Aubrey Boesak
Justice is a verb!
by Deborah Springer Suttlar
February 8, 2025
While Trump and the Republican Regime are causing unconscionable damage to American Democracy, on January 24, 2025, many of us witnessed the launch of “The Samaritan Health Project.” This project is a call to action for Health Justice.
A Samaritan is referred to in the Book of Luke 10:30-37, as a person who is generous in helping those in distress. The Samaritan Health Project is the brainchild of Dr. Sandra Bruce Nichols, a former director of the Department of Health in Arkansas and who later became a Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of Health Inclusion and Community Engagement at UnitedHealth Group. Dr. Nichols is a survivor of serious health issues, and after her retirement, decided to address the disparities of the underserved in health care. She is passionate about helping others seek the help they need. The pilot project of The Samaritan Health was presented in Little Rock, Arkansas where Dr Nichols was raised on the east side of the city.
At the launch of The Samaritan Health Project, Dr. Nichols chose to honor two people who influenced and supported her desire to address the needs of those underserved and those experiencing inadequate healthcare. She also honored a third individual who is addressing critical rural health needs and collaborating with other healthcare organizations. The following honorees were recognized.
Dr. Jocelyn Elders, the former director of the Arkansas Department of Health, was later named the 15th Surgeon General of the United States under President Bill Clinton. She was the first Black woman to serve in this position. Dr. Elders later worked at the University of Arkansas as a professor of pediatric endocrinology until her retirement. In 2016, the Jocelyn Elders Clinic was established in Kisinga, Uganda. This clinic serves students to promote sex education and treat those students suffering from diseases such as malaria.
Mellie Boagni who serves as the CEO, President, and Founder of the Arkansas Rural Health Partnership and as the University of Arkansas for Medical Science (UAMS) Regional Director of Strategy, Management, and Administration. She has over 23 years of experience in community and organizational networking, grant writing, and program development and implementation. Ms. Boagni has been effective in addressing healthcare needs and access in rural Arkansas.
Rev. Dr. William H. Robinson, (Paw Paw) the founder of Better Community Development, formerly Black Community Developers, Inc (BCD). This organization was founded to address drug addiction and to provide services to eliminate the drug problems in our community. He served as Senior Pastor of Theressa Hoover Memorial United Methodist Church for over 35 years. Rev. Robinson has expanded the operation to include health services to all those regardless of race, creed, or color. He has also expanded operations through BCD’s Affordable Housing department which has taken blocks of dilapidated building and built new affordable homes in the midtown area of Little Rock. These honorees were recognized because of their passionate desire and works in which they have demonstrated a “Samaritan spirit.” In their service to the community.
Dr. Nichols has a Samaritan spirit, and she has stated that the mission is to build a framework for that effectively shift disparities in healthcare among the underserved. Our own Opinion writer Pastor and Judge Wendell Griffen addressed the group and highlighted the need for all of us to be involved to help our community move toward justice and equity for health care.
I wanted to make you aware that there are people looking beyond this mess we are dealing with in this country who have a passion for addressing the real needs of our people. Dr. Nichols is also seeking core partners to strategically partner with us to create a national framework that will empower the underserved. The minority, poor women, and children in need of quality and efficient healthcare. We all know that Black women have a higher rate of maternal mortality and Arkansas’s healthcare system is low including low-income equality, and a lack of health insurance. Arkansas ranks 47th in healthcare. We have problems and adequate healthcare for all is one of them.
I chose to highlight The Samaritan Health Project. Our health is an issue, and we need to take the disparities in healthcare and our health seriously. This project will address a critical need.
Dr. Paul Farmer: “If access to health care is considered a human right, who is considered human enough to have that right?”
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhumane.”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought for a price. Therefore, honor God with your body.
Deborah Springer Suttlar is a community activist and longtime supporter of public schools.
by Rev. Dr. C.E. McAdoo
February 8, 2025
Hello and happy Black History Month! All my articles in February will have a Black History focus. As I begin to try to find a proper way of starting, I saw on the internet a wealth of reading concerning Black History. Rather than just trying to regurgitate what I have been reading I wanted to point my article in two directions. The first direction is to look at the birth of black history in more legitimate and competent ways of education. I believe we as blacks, and the whole community, need to know exactly what has gone on and what is going on in the black community.
My next point will a direct focus on Black American personalities in the state of Arkansas. I will give a brief history of each of them as we mark and lift up those things they have done so we might ponder.
The birth of Black history can also be referred to as African-American History. It has been called this by most scholars and in my opinion was the brain child of Carter G. Woodson. The structure started with the Dr. Woodson “In Association for the Study of the Negro Life and History in 1926.” The 2nd week of February is the focal point, because in that week was the birth of Abraham Lincoln, on February 12th. Just as aside, February 12 is also the birthday of Charlie Edward McAdoo, and I’m glad to be born on Lincoln’s birthday! President Douglas’s birthday is February 14thand that day is also another celebration in America, because that is Valentine’s Day. This week is Black community celebration week, and has been since the late 19th century.
The celebration began in earnest to encourage school systems across the country to place informative content in the standard curriculum in many of our schools. Fortunately, for myself, I grew up taking a class in Tennessee on African-American History and my wife also had a class in African-American History. As I personally grew up, I took that class on Black History at Wilson County High School in Lebanon, Tennessee.
Here is a quick aside that you may or may not know. At one time, African-Americans were not afforded the privilege of a true academic offering. Many of the Black high schools in the South were training schools. Basically, these schools were there to train African-Americans to do menial work and other kind of things. Even though I attended Wilson High School, my older brother and sister attended Wilson County Training School in Lebanon, Tennessee.
The reason behind Dr. Woodson’s push on Black history was to not be content just teaching about the blood access of African-Americans, but to also emphasize the physical and intellectual survival of Black Americans within the borders of the United States.
From that push and many efforts, a week grew into a month. Black educators and black students at Kent State University offered the first Black History program in January of 1969. The first celebration of Black History Month took place at Kent State University a year later from January 2nd to February 28th 1970. An additional last historical footnote: President Ford in 1976 recognized Black History month during the celebration of the United States Bicentennial. He stated, “Let us seize upon the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor through our history.”
This effort and first-hand information has had its ups and downs throughout the years. It has been a growing controversy and is with us today, and I will probably write some later on this. There are some communities in which first-hand accurate information and respect for African-American History has been a slap in the face of the White community because of this word that people use today, “Critical Race Theory”. CRT (Critical Race Theory), is not taught in elementary nor High School in America. It is an academic course that persons can take on a higher education level. It’s not forced upon anyone and is only taught at the higher education level. The legal defense fund in America, a premier legal organization, fighting for civil justice defines CRT in the following way:
“It is an academic and legal framework that denotes that systematic racism is part of the American society- from education and housing to employment and healthcare. Critical Race Theory recognizes that racism is more than the result of an individual’s bias or prejudice.
The five tenets of CRT are: the notion of racism is ordinary and not aberrational, the idea of our interest convergence, the social construction of race, the idea of story-telling and counter story-telling and the notion that whites have actually been hurt by these assumptions.”
I feel this current historical background and the upbringing of these dates, influences me to say that I will not write about Arkansas historical personalities this week. I think we have enough to get started, and I’ll leave it at that.
So, going back to my original notation,” Black History – Our History?” which has been noted down through the years, there would not be any Black History if there had not been whites and others who have cooperated with us in how to get things done. It was a very cooperative effort. However, I just want to go back to Dr. C. Woodson. If you get nothing out of this month’s articles, please remember C. Woodson! Look him up on the internet and have him in your heart and in your prayers for what he had done for our community in the United States of America!
I Am
Charlie Edward McAdoo
Dr. C.E. McAdoo is a retired district Superintendent in the United Methodist Church.
By Joy C. Springer
February 8, 2025
As the Arkansas House of Representatives enters the 5th week of the 2025 Regular Session, several key pieces of legislation have moved forward, addressing issues ranging from food freedom to healthcare access and election policy.
One measure that received House approval, HB1149, ensures that counties and municipalities cannot impose regulations on vegetable gardens located on residential properties. This bill upholds the right of homeowners to cultivate their own produce without restrictions. Similarly, the House passed HB1048, which expands opportunities for small farmers by allowing the sale of unpasteurized milk at farmers' markets or through direct delivery from the farm where it is produced. You can now “grow” your
Healthcare policy also saw legislative action this week. HB1181 allows certified nurse midwives to admit and discharge patients from licensed hospitals, if granted privileges, improving maternal healthcare access. Additionally, HB1309 clarifies cost-sharing requirements for breast cancer examinations. In addition, Governor Sanders had a press conference to announce an omnibus bill to address maternal health in Arkansas. As we already know, the Democratic Caucus of the Arkansas Legislature has already introduced several bills to address maternal health. Arkansas has the highest maternal mortality rate in the United States.
The state's rate is much higher than the national average. The state ranks last in the nation in maternal mortality, with almost 44 deaths per 100,000 births; the national figure is 23.5. The gaps go farther: “Of the 35,000 pregnancies in Arkansas each year, 10,000 women wait until they are after their first trimester to see a doctor.
During the press conference held by the Governor on Thursday, you may have only heard the names of Dr. Sam Greenfield and Dr. Austin Porter. Dr. Greenfield, an African American, is a graduate of Meharry Medical College, an expert in OB-GYN medicine for UAMS Women’s Health Center located at 6119 Midtown, Little Rock, Arkansas and Dr. Austin Porter, another African American and graduate of the Fay Boozman College of Health, is the Arkansas’ State Deputy Director of Epidemiologist. Dr. Porter is a faculty member at the College of Health and has years of experience in data collection and analysis. These men are responsible for providing the data being utilized to address Arkansas’ maternal health crisis.
The House also passed HB1221 this week, which limits the validity of ballot initiative titles and petition signatures to the election cycle in which they are approved and collected. Any separate commentary is forthcoming on this “bad bill.” As stated, this legislation will limit the process regarding the collection of signatures for ballot initiatives. Another “bad” bill!
In addition, possibly the most egregious bill of the session, the House also passed SB3. SB3, a bill that seeks to eliminate affirmative action programs in state government and other entities. The proposed legislation states that the state shall not discriminate against or grant preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in matters related to state employment, public education, or state procurement. A bill full of contradictory statements. Another piece of legislation declared that will soon be declared unconstitutional. Additional commentary regarding this legislation is to come as well!
In the week ahead, the House expects to address cell phone restrictions in schools and free breakfast for students. You can watch all House committee meetings and House floor proceedings at
The Educational Emergency continues….
State Representative Joy C. Springer represents District 76 in the Arkansas House of Representatives. Representative Springer previously served on the Little Rock School Board and is a long-time civil rights activist and supporter of equity in public education. She currently serves on the House Judiciary Committee and House Aging, Children and Youth, Legislative and Military Affairs committees. Additionally, she serves on the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) and the JBC Employee Benefits Division Oversight committee and as a 1st Alternate on the Legislative Joint Auditing committee.
By Joy C. Springer
February 1, 2025
EDUCATIONAL EMERGENCY: 3rd Week-95th General Assembly!
Today marks the end of the third week of the 2025 Regular Session of the Arkansas House of Representatives. This week’s session began with a meeting of the Legislative Black Caucus regarding the world’s largest retailer’s, Wal-Mart, decision to end its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs.
The changes, confirmed by Walmart’s spokesperson, Michael Lindsey on Monday included not renewing a five-year commitment for an Equity Racial Center set up in 2020 after the police killing of George Floyd. In particular, Wal-Mart will not continue the racial equity center that was established through a five-year, $100 million philanthropic commitment from the company with a mandate to, according to its website, “address the root causes of gaps in outcomes experienced by Black and African American people in education, health, finance and criminal justice systems.” In addition, Wal-Mart will also be pulling out of a prominent Gay Rights index.[1] It was also confirmed that Wal-Mart will better monitor its third-party marketplace items to make sure they do not feature sexual and transgender products. Wal-Mart will also be reviewing grants to Pride events to make sure it is not financially supporting sexualized content that may be unsuitable for kids. It will stop participating in Human Rights Campaign’s annual benchmark index that measures workplace inclusion for LGBTQ+ employees.
Additionally, Walmart will no longer consider race and gender as a litmus test to improve diversity when it offers supplier contracts. The company said it did not have quotas and will not do so going forward. It won’t be gathering demographic data when determining financing eligibility for those grants.
Finally, Mr. Lindsey emphasized that future decisions will be based upon establishing a place of wanting to foster a “sense of belonging”, to open doors to opportunities for all our associates, customers and suppliers and to be a Walmart for everyone.” Does Wal-Mart really believe that it will be able to maintain its status if it eliminates its commitment to DEI? We KNOW and they know the answer….
Several bills, which may be of interest, passed out of the House included:
HB1071, a bill that expands the Frank Broyles Publicity Rights Protection Act
to safeguard individuals whose image, voice, or likeness is used commercially
through artificial intelligence.
HB 1046, a bill proposes the creation of a Blue Envelope Program aimed at
improving communication between individuals with autism spectrum
disorder (ASD) and law enforcement during vehicle-related encounters.
The bill directs the Department of Finance and Administration to develop a
specially designed blue envelope containing a driver’s essential documents,
with communication guidelines on the exterior to help officers understand
and adjust their approach when interacting with a driver with ASD.
HB1204. This bill outlines the recovery of damages for past medical expenses
incurred by an injured party. It specifies that only costs actually paid by or on
behalf of the plaintiff, or those that remain unpaid and for which the plaintiff
or a third party is legally responsible, can be included in the recovery.
HB1074, which ensures that funds from the Property Tax Relief Trust Fund
can only be used for purposes other than property tax relief if approved by
a ¾ majority in both houses of the General Assembly, up from the current
simple majority requirement.
This week’s session ended with a Joint Education Committee meeting where Education Department Secretary Olivia presented NAEP’s (National Association of Educational Progress) 2024 test results for Arkansas. His summation to the committee was that the data show something other than “the pandemic” and “students” driving the results, but it is our state’s teachers who are going to make the difference. He went on to day that LEARNS has allowed for new teachers to be paid at least $50,000 per year and currently the average teacher salary is $59,000 per year. Prior to LEARNS, the average teacher salary was $53,000. Since 2022, the number of school district administrators has increased by 1,489. He ended by saying: “What does this tell you?” Arkansas is growing administrators rather than teachers!
The Educational Emergency continues….
[1] The Gay Rights Index is a metric that measures a country's or municipality's LGBT+ rights, laws, and public attitudes. The index is based on a variety of policies and factors, including the legality of same-sex marriage, employment discrimination, and public opinion
Rep. Joy C. Springer represents District 76 in the Arkansas House of Representatives. Mrs. Springer previously served on the Little Rock School Board and is a long-time civil rights activist and supporter of equality in public education. She currently serves on the House Public Transportation and House Aging, Children and Youth, Legislative and Military Affairs committees. Additionally, she serves on the Performance Review committee, and Joint Budget committee as a 1st alternate including Personnel and Special Language, and as a 2nd alternative on the Legislative Auditing committee.
by Dr. C.E. McAdoo
February 1, 2025
Every house here has a certain protocol, which they want to have in the house at times. The same is true as some general house-ways in our communities. As I look over my life, in a way of my own upbringing and in my present home, let me drop a few McAdoo nuggets in the article. The beauty of these nuggets is that they are my nuggets, and you will surely have your own nuggets in the place where you live and work at this time, in reference to home and auto and community at large.
Ready Room
There should be a room in the house that is great for people to come to, where they can sit and talk. Should the president, (if she/he came to town,) this is the room you would want them to be in. That room is always sparkling and clean. Not everybody goes through the side door, because the side door may have some “this or that’ around, but
that room, the one that is always ready to receive guests, is called the ready room!
Make sure that your bathroom (or if you have more than one bathroom, make sure that you have one in this state) that is neat, clean, smelling good, and looking good and neat at all times for visitors or friends who may come in. If you have a visitor that needs to go to the bathroom, you've got a wonderful bathroom ready for them!
Standing Family Greeting
In our house, whether it's on the phone or in person, email, or text, we ask a person how they're doing. We always check on someone's sensibility. Sometimes someone may be going through some things. There may be some trauma of things that have happened in their lives. It’s not that they resist it, but they may not want to talk about it. When we ask how they are doing we pray, and I pray, that the spirit of the asking moves them to a place that they know you care.
A clean kitchen is a must. It is an open picture of how you feel about your home. It's also an open picture of how you feel about what you would cook for someone in that kitchen. All kitchens have different personalities to them. Some are bigger, and some smaller than others. Some have shelving, some have no shelving and some have unique placement. The bottom line is that a clean kitchen is a place that will really make a good impact on people as they come into your home. We know some people think that there's a verse in the Bible that says cleanliness is next to godliness. Well, I don’t want to blow your mind, but that's not in the Bible! However, cleanliness certainly does make a difference. When you come to someone's home if the kitchen's cleaned up, I think that God would be welcomed.
Throwing trash in your vehicle
Carry with you in your vehicle a plastic bag to dispose of the stuff that you pick up along the way. We go to fast food places so much these days where we accumulate stuff. The cars are like our home once again. Don’t throw things that are in your vehicle on the floor or on the back seat. When your vehicle is clean and neat, the drive seems so much more pleasant.
TV instructions
Our TVs today are so complicated, you just can't give somebody the TV changer. (And I say TV changer. My grandkids say “Granddad that's a remote.” Well, I grew up calling it a TV changer, so that's what I'm going to do. This is my article and not theirs!) The TV changers are so complicated these days that you almost need instructions on how to turn it on! Then, if you accidentally hit something, it goes backwards, and you don't know how to go back to the place where you had it. Then, hit something and it goes to another thing, and if you have some of these premium channels you accidentally get a bill for a movie that you didn't even like because you didn't see it! In other words, have instructions for TV changers!
Going back, as a little boy, I remember my dad took me outside one day. “Charlie Edward, do you see this meter?” I said, “Yes sir.” He said, “Well, you see how fast it’s going?” I said “Yes.” He said, “Well, that means that it's running very fast because there must be a light on in the house.” And so that means growing up, he would always tell us to cut the lights off in the house. Thank the Lord, they got these fancy things now that turn off the lights for you when no one is in the room! And so that's what I grew up with. So, if you are not doing something in a room, turn the lights off!
Close it
If you open it, close it, this applies across the board. Close your drawers when you get clothes out in your room and close the closet doors. Close the cabinet doors. Further than anything else, close all the doors in the kitchen. Lastly, close those big doors. Don't leave the front door open to try to cool the whole neighborhood! Don't leave the back door open to try to warm up the world!
I am,
Charlie Edward McAdoo
Rev. Dr. C.E. McAdoo is a retired District Superintendent with the United Methodist Church.
by Wendell Griffen
February 1, 2025
President Trump,
On Wednesday evening 67 people died in a tragic aviation accident when a passenger jet and military helicopter collided near Reagan National Airport. Their loved ones, colleagues, neighbors, and friends are grieving tremendous losses.
Their grief deserves our respect.
The deaths of their loved ones deserve our respect.
The trauma experienced by air traffic controllers, ground personnel, and others who witnessed the collision deserves our respect.
The brave responders working to recover the bodies of the 67 victims of that tragic accident need and deserve our respect.
Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board who are charged by law with determining how the tragic aviation collision happened deserve our respect for their diligence, independence, and integrity.
You gave none of them the response that your office should have shown.
You did not demonstrate sorrow for the victims.
You did not show compassion for grieving loved ones, colleagues, and neighbors of the victims.
You did not call on the nation and world to pause, grieve, and show empathy.
Instead, you used the White House press room as a stage and the world as your audience for baseless propaganda against diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts and initiatives, the people who do that work, and its benefits in addressing systemic injustice.
Sir, your response, and that of your staff, was inexcusable.
The world has long known that you lack empathy for others. But until Thursday the world did not see your disdain for the sorrow of so many people displayed with such mendacity.
For the record, I am a pastor in the religion of Jesus and a retired judge.
My faith tradition, like that of other traditions, is clear about the moral and ethical issues that arise when people die in tragic circumstances.
All religions recognize that we should grieve with people who grieve, not disrespect their sorrow.
All religions hold that it is wrong to use the tragic deaths of people as an excuse for making false statements about them or their deaths.
Sir, your behavior, statements about the tragic deaths of 67 people, and your administration’s actions and statements that falsely characterize their deaths as attributable to DEI, is deplorable.
Please do not profane further the deaths of 67 people, the sorrow suffered by their loved ones, friends, colleagues, and neighbors, the trauma suffered by witnesses of the tragic accident, and the demanding work that is being done by NTSB investigators.
And please do not continue using this tragedy as political propaganda for your opposition to diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, the people who do that work, and the way it has advanced justice.
Simply put, Mr. President, hush.
Wendell Griffen is the author of Parables, Politics, and Prophetic Faith published by (Nurturing Faith, (2023) and
The Fierce Urgency of Prophetic Hope (Judson Press, (2017). He is also an ordained minister and former elected judge.
Pastor, New Millennium Church, Little Rock, Arkansas
CEO, Griffen Strategic Consulting, PLLC
Co-Chair, Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference
by Deborah Suttlar
January 26, 2025
We all know the Bible story of the Israelites being subjected to slavery and oppression while enslaved in Egypt. The Israelites were subjected to oppressive laws and actions by Pharoah. Although God sent Moses as a spokesperson commanding their release, he refused and consequently God inflicted many plagues to encourage their release. The Pharoah defiantly refused to release them. However, he finally relented but later rekindled his hate and vengeance to his own peril. That is the Bible story. Now, we have the American version, “The Pharoah has Come to America.”
Donald Trump as president is America’s Pharoah. After his Inauguration on the 20th of January 2025. The Associated Press reported Donald Trump stated he inherited” American carnage,” and the country’s decline will end immediately by him ushering in the “golden age of America.” He vowed to send troops to the U.S. Mexico board, boost domestic oil production and impose tariffs to “enrich our citizens.” He said the former administration (government) protects dangerous immigrants instead of law-abiding citizens, protects foreign borders at the expense of American borders and “can no longer deliver basic services in times of emergency.” “All of this will change starting today, and it will change very quickly,” he said. We truly have now entered the Twilight Zone.
Trump’s portrays America as being in its’ worst condition. The insistence that the laws of the Constitution are not to be followed because it relates to those who are immigrants/migrants or refugees. He refers to just treatment based upon the law as being “protection’ versus conducting ourselves within in the law to treat all people humanely. He then alluded to the tragedy of wildfires in California as being the inability to deliver basic services. When it was the result of many factors including climate change, inadequate funding, and an overwhelming system. This critical analysis is due to a Democratic Governor being at the helm. Trump does not view all citizens as Americans, he views them either as supporters/Republicans or as enemies, such as the Democrats, immigrants, and minorities.
This president’s first order of business was to curtail immigration at the southern border and declared national emergency at the Mexico border. He suspended U.S. Refugee Admissions Program resettlements, issued an Executive order to end birthright citizenship for those born to undocumented immigrants, he expedited an order deregulating drilling which specifically targets Alaska and paused offshore wind leasing in federal waters. Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Treaty where the U.S as the world’s second largest greenhouse gas emitter. There was an order targeting DEI and transgender Americans. Because of the anti-woke ideology, Trump ordered the dismantling of government diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives within 60 days. More specifically, he revoked the Equal Employment Opportunity order of 1965 signed by Lyndon B. Johnson. Next, he pardoned most of the January 6thdefendants who participated in the Capitol riot and commuted the sentences of fourteen others. He signed an order withdrawing from the World Health Organization. These are a few of the orders in which he has begun the process of dismantling the Democracy of the United State of America. America has been branded worldwide as a beacon of liberty and justice for all. Now we know that “all” was intended for the “white people.”
I do not have to tell you that this new era has dark connotations, and it is anti-American, or should I say, the America which we said we were. We must remember that Donald Trump was elected by most people in this country who heard him say the worst and now we are seeing it come true. Donald Trump is now the DNA of America.
America is now the reverse of the most noble, welcoming, loving, kind, land of freedom, it has become the land of racist hate. Like Moses in Egypt, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, jr., came to warn them about the oppression of God’s people. The truth is, they wanted Black people to remain as slaves and we continue to be stalked and oppressed. People invaded this country and said it was theirs and the Indigenous people were place on reservations. What will happen next? The Pharoah has come to America. Some people still do not fear God.
God will lead us, and God will avenge us. I think it would be appropriate to return the Statute of Liberty.
African Proverb: He who has done evil, expects evil.
Ephesians 5:15-17 .....Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but was wise. Making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.
Deborah Springer Suttlar is a community activist and longtime supporter of public schools.
by Rev. Dr. C.E. McAdoo
January 26, 2025
A Baby Boomer Blessing
When you wake up realizing that you have made it to 70, it is amazing how you get a lot of sense in your head! The 70’s for me is 70-plus: 70 plus six more years. Seventy-seven, and what a blessing it will be if the Lord blesses me to make Feb 12, 2025! I can speak only for me as one who is caught up in the “I ams.” When I grew up, I grew up with the I ams. I will talk about them as I go through this, as a blessing of the development that I received growing up. Growing up I remember people saying the I ams. In the world that I grew up in, the highest market of time was somewhat of an 18thcentury carryover in that people understood that thinkers were the greatest folks. I think, therefore, I am!
I know this is going down a deep road for some of us. It may be moving us even to a place where it deals with philosophy more than psychology and sociology. In my day and age, there was a value in being a philosopher. For me, maybe not historically correct, but that was an age of for me, “I ams.” This was part of many of us in the black communities who had the Booker T. Washington mentality: I do, therefore I am. Black people can do. We can do hand and eye coordination. We can do manufacturing. We can do farming. We can do the spit and polish in our community. That was, for many, part of the cultural and social debate between WEB DuBois, the thinker, I think therefore I am, and Booker T. Washington, I do therefore I am.
The irony was, I put this in tongue and cheek, is that the philosopher WEB DuBois continued to push us to philosophize the way Booker T. Washington started, I do therefore I am, and helped build Tuskegee Institute.
Between these two pillars of how we lived as Boomers was our blessing. We were able to live in a society of thinkers and doers. The bottom line is that this was the influence of the civil rights movement, philosophy and doing, which leads us now into the activism of what we are doing today. So, I still believe for us the blessing was in both areas. We boomers have been able to have the blessing and put the mark on the whole world that I think therefore I am. I do, therefore I am; I’m an activist, therefore I am; and it gives us an identity of who we are.
Grace and Peace,
I Am
Charlie Edward McAdoo
Rev. Dr. C.E. McAdoo is a retired District Superintendent with the United Methodist Church.
by Rev. Dr. C.E. McAdoo
January 18, 2025
I got the call you never want to get. It was not the totally bad call, it was the eye-opening call. I got a call from my cousin that one of my younger cousins had overdosed. The blessing is that the hospital was able to bring him back. This was the cousin from my family that I had known his mother and father all my life and all of his life. His father has recently passed, his mother is still alive. This is not his birth mother; it’s his adoptive mother. The whole essence and reason I am moved to write this, is that I pray it will be a door opener to move all of us in a wholesome way of life, whether we are young or old.
The whole thrust behind “Don’t Give Up – Reach out,” can be a factor in many aspects of our living. Let me put it in the most realistic manner that I can. We live in a society of accomplishments. The only goal for many, or most, is to always be right, and to make it appear we are always right no matter what! As we live in this kind of world, it can be disheartening when things do not go our way. It can be stressful looking at ourselves in the mirror and not liking what we see. It can further put us in a place of “I am through with it, I want to quit, I want to stop, I want to leave it alone, and I want to give up!” That’s where this week’s article hits the road of hope.
This article has no magical nature to make things alright in any of our lives. Yet I pray it will help all of us know that we do have options; the option I want to lift up is the “Reach Out” option. I will not in any way negate the negativity of substance abuse and how it affects all of us, it’s a part of life. I want to make that point and make it clear that it is not something any of us would ever want to do. Whatever, whenever, and however, it has happened, so let us move on, look at it, and use the “Reach Out” option.
This Reach Out option that I am lifting up is a ‘McAdoo-ism.’ It is a square box that has four corner options and center. The upper right is the ‘self’ option. This option is when we consider something that we may do that is detrimental to us and we need to take the 10-step setback. The 10-step setback is for us to look objectively at what is going on and say to ourselves that we may not want to do that. We may want to reach out to ourselves.
The lower right corner of the box we will use as our contacts list. This is where we look at our contacts list and find the people we can call who are the ‘no-holds-barred’ folks. The upfront folks, or the no-nonsense folks. The folks on our contact list who will really tell us what is on their minds and who will tell us that you cannot take enough dope or any substance that will make your life better, and that it will kill you if you continue. You have reached out to others.
The upper left corner is the memory of those who have made a favorable impression on our lives. I will use teachers as an example. Think about the teacher that you dealt with that disapproved of what you were doing and would say to you that this is not something you would do. You have reached out to someone who would help you to grow.
On the bottom left is the unknown corner. Only God knows. And when we understand that we know that when we hear from within ourselves and we hear other people talk about this and that, about heaven and about hell, and about the unknown, that only God knows. So, we need to have a real place in our lives, in our direct corners to know that there’s a place that only God is there.
And then the center is not really a box, it is a heart. It is a heart that has the word “love” written in a every language a thousand times. And you say, “But there’s no heart that is big enough that you can write love 1000 times!” But there is, it is the heart of God!
The hope of the world is in that so that all of us, when we read this, we can read in and read out and know that life is worth living. You’ve reached inside, you’ve reached outside, and now you can reach into the heart of God and say that life is worth living and you know what the ending should be.
I Am
Charlie Edward McAdoo
I Am
Charlie Edward McAdoo
Rev. Dr. C.E. McAdoo is a retired District Superintendent with the United Methodist Church
by Deborah Springer Suttlar
January 11, 2025
This is a new year; however, we continue to revert to those same destructive patterns of yesteryear. Too many are invoking negative influences to divide us. I am reminded of how imperfect we are with the ever-rising objections to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We all are God’s children. When I say “we” I mean humanity, all the people in this world. God created us. It is evident that some have decided not to honor, respect, or give credence to that spiritual fact. They have chosen to follow their own ways.
God created diversity, and commanded equity and inclusion. If you have an issue with these principles, then you are against God. Those principles are exactly what Jesus manifested when he lived on earth. However, some things you understand when you have a relationship in which God’s words become the life in your life. My father once told me, rich people are afraid of having no power and no money, they don’t fear God when it comes to keeping both. Which brings me to Albert Einstein who said, “The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.
The spreading of ignorance has become popular. We are witnessing the resistance to the principle of facts in which one would think is “Common Sense.” However, as we have learned, common sense is neither common nor sensible. There is truly an absence of intelligent understanding that God’s children require embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Let me give you a few examples of the senselessness of not being open to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The world is filled with diversity. We have a diversity of species in this world which God made, include the sexes. God has commanded us in Psalm 99:9 “He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with equity.” We know that certain races, including females, have not been given just or fair treatment and every effort has been made to prevent it. Another example is when material gain is reserved for certain people to enjoy, then diversity is permitted. The most popular example is inclusion for sports activities in which minorities are utilized to promote nationalism (Olympics) but not when it applies to their academic learning or employment opportunities for their personal success.
Discrimination and wealth are culprits for the lack of diversity, equity and inclusion now being promoted by major corporations, government, and institutions in our country today. Those that “have” want to keep it and others who “hate” promote exclusion. The poor and non-white are deemed unfit, unworthy, and undeserving. We live in a society designed with no intentions for the “left out” to “catch up.” It is obvious when African Americans have experienced sabotaging of our fight for equity and justice each time we move a step forward. We make up only 13.7% of the population and we are considered a threat to the majority. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are now deemed as “reverse discrimination.” It is either fear or jealousy and either one makes it an absurd analogy. Especially since we know the laws and policies of America have been discriminatory. Look at who makes the laws and who makes up the 1% of the wealth. The “devil” is in the details, and he is having fun.
There has been plenty written about racism, discrimination, denied history, traditions of hate and how it affects our ability as humans to treat each other fairly, respectfully and with love. However, the fight for diversity, equity and inclusion must continue.
James Baldwin stated, “We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist.”
Now, what does the word of God say?
Galatians 3:26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.
Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
God’s own words reflect diversity, equity, and inclusion. Besides, Jesus touched the lives of every human on earth regardless of status, position, sex, race, or creed. But somehow, we cannot because some have labeled themselves “superior.” But, as we know, the devil is a liar.
In other words, we are all God’s children. Why is that so hard to interpret? The reason lies behind the mind of those who choose to ignore the Word of God. We cannot change the hearts of those who choose to follow the wrong paths. However, we should be mindful of the words of Mother Teresa, “Evil settle roots when a man begins to think that he is better than others.”
We are all God’s Children and God is love. That other stuff we are now experiencing is absolutely, not of God. It’s that’s another thang.
President Jimmy Carter, “I have learned that our greatest blessings come when we are able to improve the lives of others, and this is especially true when those others are desperately poor or in need.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
The fools have revealed themselves.
Deborah Springer Suttlar is a social and community advocate, and a long-time supporter of public schools.
Perception is reality. How we are viewed and what is said about us matters. It is abundantly clear that here in Arkansas, we as African-Americans don't control many, if any, statewide media groups. On any given day, COUNT the number of positive stories reported by print and television stations KATV, KARK/KLRT-FOX-TV, and KTHV, about African Americans in Arkansas.
In Arkansas, with the exception of KTHV, the media groups and their ownerships are conservative and often often distort people of color and specifically, BLACK families. As black consumers of the news, "that's the part we miss." How on the "regular" we are portrayed by white media groups and their local news stations and print media.
A study from the University of Illinois concluded that at best media outlets (a) promoted racially biased portrayals and myths that pathologize black families and idealize white families with respect to poverty and crime (b) play a dangerous role in spreading debunked stereotypes about black families and (c) at worst, amplify those inaccurate depictions for political and financial gain. We've all seen that type of behavior before.
When media outlets examined in the study reported stories about poor families, they chose to feature black families in their coverage 59 percent of the time, even though only 27 percent of families living below the poverty line are black.
Similarly, in coverage of welfare, 60 percent of families portrayed were black, even though only 42 percent of families receiving welfare are black.
Finally, the article addresses the real-life consequences of the continued distortion of black life by the media. "When the news media constantly associates black people with crime, it increases racial stereotypes among viewers, leading the public including liberal and conservative Arkansan's to disproportionately favor punitive criminal justice policies." As a collateral damage piece, when the poor are depicted as overwhelmingly black, it leads the public to support heavier restrictions on welfare because of a perception that undeserving black people benefit from it. Backers of corporate and right-wing policies gain when the news media blames black families for social conditions, while their own role in destabilizing society remains invisible.
This online publication exists to counter the narrative that constantly depicts African Americans as "less than." It exists to balance the negative view of African American life that is constantly depicted in the local news and information outlets in this state. We are so much more than the lip-service paid to us by those that control the news cycle. It's not about the reporting of the news, it's about the process of manufacturing the news. There is a saying that goes something like this. "If you control the messenger, then you control the message." Let's take some of that control back. As African Americans in Arkansas, let us create our own narratives. Most importantly, let us report and talk about the real issues.................. with our own voices,.... and our own opinions.
Deborah Suttlar
Deborah is a longtime Community and Civil Rights Activist. Her column appears in the Opinion Section.
Click the link below to read read Deborah Suttlar's column.
The Honorable Wendell Griffen
Judge Griffen will comment on the law and its impact on Black Arkansans. He will also discuss and legal and social issues on a state and national level impacting Black Arkansans and Black Americans.
Click the link below to read Judge Griffens column.
Gaining generational wealth is the key to Black economic family wealth and security. We will share strategies from the Association of African American Financial Advisors to help you and your family get there. We will inform you about managing your finances so that you can start your path to financial freedom.
Rev. C.E. McAdoo
Rev. McAdoo is a retired District Superintendent with the United Methodist Church. He will provide a weekly column on Religion and Black Arkansas.
Click the link below to read Rev. McAdoo's column. .
State Representative Joy C. Springer
State Representative Joy Springer is a veteran school an civil rights advocate for African-American children and their families. She will provide a weekly column on state legislative and educational concerns affecting African -Americans .
Click the link below to read Representative Springer's column.
This weekly column features a listing of top African-American doctors in Arkansas, and their areas of expertise. We will try to connect you with physicians who understand your physical, cultural and mental health needs. One study suggests that African American male patients who meet with black physicians often ask to receive more preventive services than patients who met with nonblack physicians. This study also suggested that black doctors are more likely to provide a comfortable settings to black patients, perhaps because of shared experiences or backgrounds. The study concluded that increasing the amount of black physicians could lead to a 19 percent reduction in the black-white male cardiovascular mortality gap and an 8 percent decline in the black-white male life expectancy gap.
This weekly column will focus on educational happenings in the state including news from local school districts and the Arkansas Department of Education.
People always have "who to contact questions." Whether it is a local city government office or a state government office, we will try to steer you in the right direction.
Talk Black Arkansas is a news, opinion, and information source for African Americans living in Arkansas and it's surrounding areas. Our news and opinions sections place an emphasis on reporting from a black perspective. To our knowledge, In Arkansas, no statewide television station or media group has a primary black editor. This means that all news is often reported from a highly biased Eurocentric perspective.
That also means that African Americans and their institutions are often portrayed in news feeds as the network and newspapers media groups ownership dictate. Some media groups like FOX and Sinclair display an openly explicit bias. Compare their depictions of President's Obama and Trump. Remember, these groups own hundreds of television stations and beam the news into our homes nightly. There is no independent review. It's simply their limited perspective being forced on you.
While these stations need to pacify community viewership and boost ratings within minority groups, they are never willing to allow African-American anchors, editors, or our cultural perspectives.... permanent access to prime time slots in the 6 and 10 pm newscasts.
It is our duty and your responsibility to help change that. Let's go to work.
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